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Web Design Portfolio
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Web Design Portfolio.

Web Design has been a passion at Docu-Type Web Hosting since the inception of our parent company, Docu-Type Administrative Services (which soon became known as Docu-Type Administrative & Web Services).

Docu-Type specializes in small business websites. We believe that you shouldn't have to break your budget to enjoy the benefits of an online presence. You need to keep up with (and surpass) your competition but you shouldn't have to go out of business to do it.

That doesn't mean we don't do websites for medium and large corporations, but if you are a small business owner who wants an eye-catching, customer grabbing website without having to pay for all the bells and whistles that you may not need, you are in the right place.

We'd be happy to help you!

To your left is just a few screen shots of some of the sites we are proud to have designed. To see more, we invite you to view our Web Design Portfolio.

We also invite you to submit a FREE Web Design Quotation Request. Every website, business and entrepreneur is unique. We don't offer package pricing on Web Design due to that uniqueness. What if you don't want something that another company offers in a plan? Well, you still have to pay for it as it is still part of the package.

With our individual, personalized quotations, we quote on only the services that you need... no added costs for items your don't really need.


And... don't forget to check out our Web Hosting Plans


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